Odd one not out
Why do schools stop us from embracing our individuality and insist upon strict uniforms? One explanation is that uniform allows everyone to look the same and that takes away the focus from external appearances to the more ‘important’ things. In high schools, fashion trends could generate a lot of pressure to seek validation from peers. My school never allowed hair dyeing, piercings, or long hair for boys. School culture is very similar to collectivist cultures. Just like collectivist cultures the norms are set and following them makes one a good member of the group. There is a desire to fit in and every student suppresses their eccentricities to become part of the ‘beige’ cult. Even after people graduate, the internalized notion that anything apart from the set uniform was wrong could make them erroneously judge others.
The corollary of this judgment is blatant discrimination as opportunities are not given to people even when they deserve them based on their merits. Why does appearance have to be incorporated in the judgment of someone? Probably because it is one of the tangible aspects, easily noticeable than the abstract abilities. This was the last blog in my piercing series and it was only when I reflected that I realized how changes in the body could change your perception and of others. My eyebrow piercing was an eye-opener to how much the ‘book’ is judged by its ‘cover’. I would say don’t judge it but just appreciate the ‘cover’. The odd shouldn’t have to be out but appreciated for it takes courage to be your own version of you.